Carlisle flooded badly in 2005 (1600+ properties) and December 2015 when Storm “Desmond” caused the inundation of nearly 2,200 properties in the City some to a depth of 2m. – a previously unrecorded depth. The Carlisle Flood Action Group (CFLAG) was formed in January 2016 following a community meeting of affected residents and is a founding member of CRAGG.- an amalgamation of 10 community groups based in Cumbria. John Kelsall, CFLAG Chair, Vice Chair of CRAGG Paul Barnes.
Friday, 31 July 2020
Carlisle Phase 2 FRMS online
Carlisle Phase 2 FRMS online. This information is available for you to review immediately, and will be made available for full public access at midday tomorrow (Friday). Please follow this link to access the website –