Tuesday, 9 April 2019

CARLISLE FLOOD ACTION GROUP Representations in respect of Carlisle Phase 1 FRM Scheme

 The Group‟s purpose is to find out how the flooding occurred, particularly in the context of a £38m spend to mitigate river flooding following the similar disaster in 2005 and to establish what should be done to prevent or reduce the severity of future occurrences.

 1.2 Members of the Group have met extensively with representatives of the Environment Agency (EA), Lead Local Flood Authority (Cumbria County Council) and are aligned with similar groups across the county particularly through the Cumbria Rivers Authority Governance Group (CRAGG). Members have attended Westminster and given evidence to the EFRA Select Committee and presented at the EA‟s annual Flood and Coast Conference in Telford. In addition the Group have a representation on the Cumbria Strategic Flood Partnership (CSFP) board conceived by Rory Stewart when Floods Minister and also on the Eden Catchment Management Group. Whilst the members of CFLAG would readily acknowledge their individual education and experience may not have been directed to careers in hydrology or river management, non-the-less the experience gained over the last 3 years of investigation, particularly of local conditions, is now extensive and should be accorded appropriate weight. 1.3 The CFLAG have been instrumental in promoting the concept of Flood Risk Management (FRM) being a catchment wide strategic undertaking which is now the EA‟s stated means of deploying FRM rather than singular reliance on individual projects at problem points. This concept is not easily considered within the planning system. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) focuses upon development sites and published local

Full report press here.