Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Environment Agency - Cumbria Site Investigations Circular

Flood Risk Management Site Investigations Commence
The next steps in delivering new flood schemes in Cumbria will be taken this week as the Environment Agency starts work on site investigation works at locations across the county.

Following the devastating floods in Cumbria in 2015 the Environment Agency and partners have been working on a programme to increase the flood resilience of communities and businesses across the county.   

Earlier this year the Environment Agency developed and shared with a number of communities a short list of flood risk management scheme options, which are currently being refined further.

In order to develop design proposals, the Environment Agency needs to better understand the ground conditions. To do this, site investigation works and further surveys will be undertaken at various locations where potential flood risk management schemes have been identified. 

It is anticipated that the site works for these investigations will take place from August until December 2018, and landowners will be contacted in advance about the impact of the works.  

Environment Agency Flood Risk Manager for Cumbria, Stewart Mounsey, said:

“It’s great to see this phase of work beginning to manage the future flood risk for local communities. We hope that residents will bear with us while work is undertaken. It is important these investigations take place so that we can fully understand the local conditions and keep the programme moving.”

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